BusinessFrom One Mom-and-Pop Store to a Global Franchise: The...

From One Mom-and-Pop Store to a Global Franchise: The Inspiring Story of Priyanka Khanna


In an era dominated by screens and virtual interactions, the simple joy of creating something tangible with one’s own hands has become a rare treasure. The arts and crafts industry, traditionally seen as a hobbyist’s domain, is now recognized for its profound impact on creativity, mental well-being, and community building. Against this backdrop, one woman’s vision has turned a small crafting business into a burgeoning franchise that brings people together and celebrates the art of making—meet Priyanka Khanna, the force behind Krafty Hands.

Priyanka Khanna: From Medical Professional to Creative Pioneer

Priyanka’s journey is a tale of courage and transformation. After spending nearly a decade in the medical field at Long Island Jewish Hospital, the birth of her daughter sparked a significant shift in her life. The demanding hours of her medical career clashed with her desire to be present for her daughter, leading Priyanka to take a step back and reevaluate her path.

Within a few months of her break, her entrepreneurial spirit reignited. The idea of Krafty Hands was born, initially as a single arts and crafts-themed birthday party venue. This modest start quickly gained traction, evolving into a beloved community space where creativity flourished.

Crafting Connections and Building Community

Krafty Hands is more than just a business—it’s a vibrant community hub. Priyanka’s philosophy is simple yet powerful: build relationships, and business will naturally follow. This approach has been the cornerstone of Krafty Hands’ success. Each event they host is more than just a gathering; it’s a chance for kids, teens, and adults to explore their creativity and connect with one another.

From birthday parties and mini camps to Girl Scout events, fundraisers, corporate gatherings, and more, Krafty Hands offers a diverse array of arts and crafts activities. The brand’s commitment to providing a safe, welcoming space for all ages is evident in every event. It’s not just about having fun; it’s about creating lasting memories and personal masterpieces.

Empowering Women, One Franchise at a Time

Priyanka’s transition from a single store to a successful franchise is a testament to her vision and resilience. When the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted traditional business models, Priyanka saw an opportunity to expand through franchising. Today, Krafty Hands boasts multiple locations, all owned by women. This strategic move not only expanded the brand’s reach but also aligned with Priyanka’s mission to empower women in business.

Priyanka believes in the collective strength of women. By supporting female franchisees, she is building a network of independent businesswomen who are making significant contributions to their communities. Together, they are demonstrating that when women support each other, they can achieve extraordinary things.

A Vision for Global Creativity

Priyanka’s aspirations for Krafty Hands extend far beyond its current success. With an eye on becoming an international brand, she envisions Krafty Hands as a global leader in arts and crafts events. Her dream is to see Krafty Hands inspire creativity and build communities around the world.

Achievements and Accolades

Priyanka’s remarkable journey has garnered significant recognition. She was named one of NYC Journal’s “40 Under 40,” highlighting her impact and influence in the industry. Additionally, as a founding board member of the Women at American Punjabi Society, Priyanka continues to champion women’s empowerment and leadership.

Join the Krafty Hands Movement

Whether you’re planning a memorable birthday party, a team-building corporate event, or simply looking to explore your creative side, Krafty Hands offers a unique and engaging experience. Priyanka Khanna’s story is a powerful reminder that with passion, creativity, and a commitment to community, the possibilities are endless.


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